বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে

Hey, this is mostafiz, a tech enthusiast observing the technology trends over a decade. Other than that I'm just another human being with limbs, hair and eyes...

I was born in Khulna, the beautiful city in Bangladesh and grew up there for 18 years until the end of my college life. I completed my school education from Govt. Laboratory High School in Khulna and college education from Khulna Public College. Then I got admitted into Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) department in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology(BUET) which was one of my teenage dream indeed. I got a lot of good friends throughout my school, college and varsity life, who made my life meaningful.

Currently I'm at the end of my varsity life and I serve as a Director and Software Engineer in the startup named Durbin Labs. I always look for new opportunities where I can contribute with my skills I've gathered all these years.

I love to learn newer things and try to develop me into a better version of myself every single day. I believe donating blood, contributing to open source initiatives, helping poor are some really selfless jobs one can do. Personally I guess I'm pretty introvert in public but I'm very much extrovert in my known circle. Love to sleep in silent dark place, hear music in my free times.

Here are some social media links that can be used to touch me: